Thought of the week (42)

Although there is no doubt that we in the UK, and also in other countries across the world, are going through difficult times at present. Increasing costs across most of our purchases, such as food and energy to warm our homes and cooking, washing and cleaning. Also the dreadful suffering taking place with the war in Ukraine, floods and fires across many nations and crop failure due to lack of rain causing starvation.

However if we turn to John Ch. 14 in the Bible, Jesus said….
“Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid, you believe in God, believe also in me”
May we find comfort and peace in that message.


Thought of the Week (41)

In one of his New Testament letters, the Apostle Paul writes that he never stops praying for God’s people. He prays that God’s people might be filled with a knowledge of God’s will for their lives and live lives which bear fruit in every good work as they grow in their knowledge of Him.
When we pray what do we ask God for others? If we echoed this prayer taken from the first chapter of the Book of Colossians, and remembered others in that way, what might happen? Not only would we all know more of God’s will for us, but it would transform our lives, the lives of others and ourcommunity as we put the work of God into practice in our local area.
Think of someone who you can bring to God in prayer this week and make Paul’s prayer for the early church your prayer for others. Douglas