A bad attitude is like a flat tyre, you won’t get anywhere until you change it’ . We can all feel a bit grumpy about life at times . When the grumps hit us, let’s pray that God will help us to maintain a good and positive attitude towards each other and our wonderful world.
Matthew 11 verses 28and 29… Come to me ,all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest.
Even with absolute faith in God, When sadness and hardships fill our lives, We will have our ups and downs, maybe feel lost and alone, depressed and discontented, Maybe we feel that God know longer hears our cries, that he has abandoned us in our time of need. This is when we have to remember that God is on our side and still walking with us. He will never leave us, when to going gets tough this is when he starts carrying us (Deuteronomy 1:31) ‘and in the desert you saw how he brought you safely all the way to this place Just as a father would carry his son or daughter. We will all have good days and bas days, especially now with the rising energy costs and food bills. This is where we have to hold on tight knowing that God will never leave us, he will deliver us from any situation as long as we trust and believe in Him. Psalm 59:16 But I will sing about your strength; Every morning I will sing aloud of your constant love. You have been a refuge for me in my time of trouble. The Lord said,’ My precious child I love you and I would never leave you during your time of trial and suffering, when you saw only one set of ‘footprints’ it was then I carried you and always will.