Room Hire
Lytham Methodist Church can offer the hire of its many facilities to the community. We host many local activities throughout the week such as dance, keep fit, band practice, drama and meeting rooms for our community organisations. We have recently refurbished, updated and decorated our facilities. We have ensured all health and safety regulations are complied with as is normal for a public place. Our Church is located in the centre of Lytham so offers good transport by rail and bus. Lytham Methodist Church is just opposite the railway station. There is also considerable parking in Lytham which on the whole does require a parking fee between 9am and 6pm.
Please Email :The LMC Building Manager : John Porter
Further information
The building on Park Street Lytham is in two parts. The Church and the Halls. We can offer the following facilities in the halls.
Wesley Hall: Comprising of a large space with a stage. Except for Lowther Pavilion in Lowther Gardens this is the only hall with a stage in Lytham. This hall has a wooden floor and a high roof. The Wesley Hall can accommodate about a 80 seated at table and about 120 seated in rows. it is ideal for music practice, dance, shows, sales, presentation and exhibitions. The stage can be used for theatre we have an updated audio system although we do not have a complex stage lighting system.

Lecture Hall. This a recently decorated and carpeted room and is idea for meetings , AGM’s, debates, meditation, children’s parties etc. It can accommodate about 50 people.

Meeting Room 1 : ( The Choir Vestry ) Used as a meeting room for local societies. It has a large table with room for about 10 to 12 people. It can be used as a syndicate room.
Meeting Room 2 : ( The Flower Room ) Can be used as a syndicate room. As the name suggests it used by the ladies to sort out the church flowers.
Meeting Room 3 : ( The Quiet Room ) A room with a large table with space for 8 to 10 people. This room is away from the main halls. It has been recently carpeted and decorated. Again it can be used as a syndicate room of for quiet discussion and study.

Main Kitchen: A large kitchen which is able to provide cooking facilities for the main halls and complies and is up to standard as required by UK law.

Small Kitchen: A kitchen adjacent to the lecture hall which is used to provide hot drinks and small snacks away from the main kitchen and is also up to standard as required by UK law.
It is possible to hold larger scale many day corporate events and we would be please to discuss your requirements.
Please contact John Porter our building manager for prices and bookings.
Please note: in your decision making on using these facilities that this is a Methodist Church, and there can be no consumption of alcohol on the premises.