Psalm 23

The 23rd Psalm is one of the best-known and most-loved literary works in the world, and it may well be the best poem ever written.
It is also a fine example of the power of figurative language:
We read deep things into the vision of ourselves as sheep, led to green pastures and good water by a kind shepherd. It’s empowering to feel the confidence to go fearlessly into the valley of the shadow of death, and to feel the love and caring of a table prepared by the Lord and a cup so full it overflows.
This poem actually describes the path to heaven, and the fierce desire the Lord has to lead us there. So what is our first step this week!
The first step is to let the Lord be our shepherd, to accept His teaching and His leadership as we walk together through the green pastures and the still waters.
He will prepare us for the journey by restoring our souls and leading us in the path that He is asking us to follow!
Yes, we will still face the everyday challenges, but, if we listen, His rod and staff will be there to guide us through the darkness into the light of His love, where He will prepare a table for us all filled with love (the anointing oil) and wisdom (the overflowing cup).
One of many beautiful things about this is, the fact that, it is the Lord who really does all the work! All we have done as the sheep is to walk through the valley of the shadow of death. ‘Sheep follow their shepherd’. Where they find peace with the Lord, as we will if we trust, believe, follow, love with all our hearts, we simply need to give ourselves to the Lord and let Him bless us!
God bless you all